James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

Use of Your Job Business Card Image On a Public Tweet Thread. meme: [ reaffirm-your-status-of-protect-and-serve ]
1 message

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Wed, May 2, 2018 at 1:33 PM
To: "Human First Male Second Deputy Sherrif 3rd Terry @Gruwup Klinkhart" <tklinkhart@sbcsd.org>

Ref: Time Magazine Article:

This mentions an on track ideal company of AI called BOUNDLESS MIND.  They are located here in Southern California.  Their involvement to this article relates to the topic of  #PersuasiveTechnology. which I have introduced to you already.

The appearing article is about a week and half old.

You're Addicted to Your Smartphone. This Company Thinks It Can Change That - Time

time.com › Tech › Smartphones
    Apr 13, 2018 -  

    On Twitter, my introduction to BOUNDLESS MIND AI ends with your business card onto the tweet thread for your insolence for not dealing properly with me and this issue at hand.

    Please forward this email to your most upward channels of management bosses to the fully titled Sheriff himself if that need the remedy of a Facebook interface at hand.... being inappropriately blocked from receiving the truth.  [ see tweet thread below for details ].

    This email interface remains silently non-acknowledged.  Reply that you have received this email or I will have this email PERSON TO PERSON delivered to you at your HOME ADDRESS in Crestline --- and your work address --- which means you must sign for delivery confirmation or deny such delivery address of these issues.

    You are being placed on the hook, CHECKMATE!!!

    This game of hate terminates!  There is too much involved to play coy with me, Deputy.  You know you are on the hook, accept the role to which you might be future praised for later if you really care.  Or might that be placed negatively in critical care thinking.  Your choice to do the right thing.

    This introduction thread is tagged to ,

    I am expecting a reply to this email that you have received and read this email complete.... including all content links.  Thank you.  That is an appropriate citizen to law enforcement interface.



    James Driskill Retweeted James Driskill

    I have created a twitter thread. Please open and review from begin to end. James Martin Driskill San Bernardino [ yes that town ] California. Tweet Thread: My Contact / Location: Thank you Kindly.

    James Driskill added,

    BTW: Thread Updated 12:18PM PT -- Closed To the interaction of hate that is directed at me without having legitimacy placed upon me ---they are allowed to hate on me. There is no solution to this intractable conflict "a wicked problem" -


    Twitter Thread Included To This Email [ as of May 2nd 2018 1:07 PM ]:


    The Tweet Thread May Be Easier To Read And Understand From This Twitter User Interface [ UI ].  To access that interface, use the link just appearing above.

    However, the tweet thread contents are placed here in E-mail complete with your understanding that this email thread is directed to a full view scope via that I want the FBI and the LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT community concerns meeting, that I was attempting with you... still has not happened.  What has happen Deputy is a BREECH OF TRUST --- the offender of this BREECH is in your moral responsibility to correct.  You have done nothing but to disservice the truth and then to disservice a community members who has been fully detached off mental and health services from the County --- UNJUSTLY because Dr Christopher Eric Berger and Dr Said H Mirza realize that I hold the keys of truth and they don't want the truth, the real truth, the real absolute truth, the real absolute moral truth, to come forward and step into the light.

    I am asking you to step into this light with me..... properly balanced.

    Your alliance to hate is disturbing.  Your lack of modern day intelligence is not an excuse tolerable any more. I don't expect such a ruse to continue.



    I have been working on this issue of technology tools maligned from our true nature for over 10 years. I have recently redesigned my twitter profile graphics that reflects the adaptation of my QR Topics oriented introduction page.

    You may also want to note that I was kicked off the forums of twice. I am calling out as a fraud in his attempt to reeducate the public nightmare that your spot in time places him to accuse the blame for. They don't want to interface with the truth.

  1. I invite to come to my house on my terms of an interview and to their holding that I was not contributing my own words and ideas into their forums for which is being censored. He has no response. He attempting to absolve himself from this nightmare fraudulently...

  2. I am a small time peace builder not looking for the next big viral meme to supplant me to a false regimen of social networking medicine. It can't be done in a 4 profit model. I am not even registered as a business non-profit model. Just the messenger of a peace model memeplex

  3. Those memeplex ideas are foundation wisdom that are not new, they are old old old wisdom we have lost our way to retain our since wiseness. We are lost without these wisdom returned into our path. Anyone losing that message has lost their way to the resource that I am repeating

  4. Most of everything I do is gratis to the world, I don't get paid --- I am the true man working world peace maker --- holding a true world order one of the most technology binding tools cyber identity. I am a freak! The BINDING TECHNOLOGY WORKS MANUALLY CODED!

  5. Take the M in MUCKED and replace it with a F ---- this is the source holding platform for REPRIMANDS --- when are followed. THIS IS A BINDING URL THAT IS VALID... An open define techn at my domains --- anyone anywhere can use it similarly. [

  6. This is the closing ----- what aught to be followed in A.I. --- adapting this to computer memeplex models of processing. WE ARE DOOMED IN HUMANITY without HUMANE TECHNOLOGY. My AI [ Social Actor ] has this placed for priority considerations. [ ] -

  7. I was born here in San Bernardino. Here is my Resume: I am living in my hometown once again in my childhood home from an 11 month hate and harassment campaign against me from Denver Colorado Social Service Agency -

  8. update: I have an introduction email addressed to these issues directed to the District Attorney of Denver Colorado. Written Email with [ 🗣️]: Here in SB there is still thing fishy going on. Expect A Visit

  9. Release Your Holding On Facebook - BLOCKED ACCOUNT STATUS to document this matter to you there. ACCEPT THE TRUTH! This is an embarrassment to leave as it is. Ask Dep Klinkheart: Does he want to remain: Broken Trust Link! Apology??