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Loss of #SocialTrust Within Our Communities Leads to Violence, Mass Shootings and General Social Breakdown

James Driskill Owner, realuphuman.net
Gmail - Open For Public Discourse - Erosion of #SocialTrust is the guiding factor in violence, murder, and mass shootings. As researched globally and United States is not on a healthy wellness course of greatness. What can be done?
James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

Open For Public Discourse - Erosion of #SocialTrust is the guiding factor in violence, murder, and mass shootings. As researched globally and United States is not on a healthy wellness course of greatness. What can be done?
1 message

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Sat, Jul 21, 2018 at 2:23 PM
To: "Human First Male Second Deputy Sherrif 3rd Terry @Gruwup Klinkhart" <tklinkhart@sbcsd.org>


LetterHead Image - Naming Binding Networking Presence -- URL:

A Barber Shop, A New Haircut, Our Society Needs A Makeover.

Deputy Klinkhart,

You and I have a relationship.  That relationship began when you first arrived at the doorstep of 3260 Grande Vista the very first time and I was not presently home. 

Our relationship is not complicated but it is not simple either. 

You cannot just dismiss our relationship to the dissolution into nothingness.

In that there is a solution that I am a peace builder to bring forward, it is your duty Deputy that I am placing onto your role of Protect and Serve that you bring forward the Truth.

On LinkedIn [ you can access this post even if you don't have an account ] I have a community awareness post that I would like your linking to and assessment of the scientific research on this subject so that you understand a citizen of the San Bernardino city community is desiring your attention to these matters and then for you to share these truth into the infusion into community awareness of where we must focus are efforts of a paradigm shift in understanding.  These are not my truths that I am bringing forward into your view.  These are the views of the global political science academics which if we are to feel any kind of part of social responsibility for, we must either agree with these academics and do something positive to these circumstances truth or offer a voice of dissent that you disagree with these findings. 

But silence is a cowards role of acting in selfish means to a disorder of ideals that others would call you out on if you were to make some kind of statement of what your beliefs would truly hold.   There is a great conflicted ways that our society has to come to grips with reality. Have you done this introspection adaption since our relationship sparked and began?   Maybe or maybe not.   But your role does not change.

LinkedIn being the observed to be the highest reputable professionals job, company, and employee social networking site on the web in English formats, this means this standard of accessing the content on this site is standard accessible to the level that a city resident of San Bernardino and citizen of the United States of America can share to a San Bernardino County Sheriff Deputy content sourced from this site.   This especially since recently the San Bernardino County Bar Association has recently created a connection link with me and I am working on establishing a linking connection with the profile of the San Bernardino County District Attorney's LinkedIn Profile on that site.   There are no more excuses to ignore this citizen to the moral failings of governmental leaderships and authority cyber defined under the domain [ http://sbcounty.gov ] collectively inclusively includes you Deputy Terry Klinkhart.

After you linked to and read complete the LinkedIn article post, [ which includes mentions of the video links of these individual video presentations ], I would like you to take an hour or two to watch complete the two separate YouTube video presentations called:

@Gruwup Conflict Resolution System Presentation

There are two different long form YouTube Video Playlist presentations.

I would like you to watch them in newest to oldest created, meaning the ALT version is watched first.  This is a simple link to YouTube social media which is simpleton's way of sharing media that is not too complicated for children and not too complicated for elderly adults to perform.  No excuses to be technically inept to not perform these actions I request [ almost require ] of you.  Once you have received this email, I expect this email to be responded replied onto.  That is a proper and peaceful way of acknowledging a business and community health wellness topics related correspondence as you have been sworn into role and duty to represent your legal honor to uphold it's sound principles of honor and commitment.

Failing to respond onto this email will relate your dispassionate view of your job position and you should be released from such responsibility carrying forward, confidence on your duty would show your failing to meet the level standard of excellence that I am attempting to emphasize toward everyone in all of alls lifestyles and livelihoods in our society community level here addressing directly your responsibility to carry forward a message as assisting me.  I am requesting your assistance --- in a way that makes it apparent, there is no way out of your duty.

This email will be filed here:

Your current standing with this network has devalued trust for what reasons you are fully aware of.  You were originally assigned #Kramobone-The.Good but failed to meet that standard of excellence and lost your way.  You can recapture it --- last chance to do the right things here for our community wellness standards of excellence.

And subject for reclassification.  If you do not respond, your full record with this network will be assigned as:

http://DeputySheriffTracyKlinkhart.fuckeduphuman.net  -- and remain filed this way forever.  Is this where you want your destiny and your legacy to reflect upon the opportunity to do right here and not be neglectful to your duties.  ?  I am sure that it not the outcome that either of us wants, but is the intention result for ignoring this email to a substantial moral character responsibility fault.


James Martin Driskill
3260 Grande Vista
San Bernardino CA 92405
909-882-8759 Home

Visit at your time if you need more clarification on the subject matters
disclosed directly in this email and in print on the web and in video media on the web.  Thank you.

Both of these Links AutoForwards To Youtube to the presentation of a video playlist.  Please Watch with greatness care and concern over the
issues brought forward in the LinkedIn Article in writing.  The substantial input of these materials should bring you a paradigm shift of understanding
of what we can proceed united forces to carry into new reality working creations of our daily duties of proper acting good citizen's of our
United States of America.